Consultancy Project Summaries

Listed below is a summary of consultancy projects delivered by JP Consulting and its staff that highlight the significant depth and breadth of our experience in providing value to our clients. Selected presentations and publications are included, and you can Filter the list and Subscribe for updates.

Health Communication Network: Preparing for the 21st Century - the Information Industry: Potential Partners Perspective

Attached below is a paper of a presentation given by Jeff Parker at a one-day conference hosted by the Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technologies (CIRCIT) in Canberra on 22 October 1993 while he was the Business Consultant, National Health Programs for Digital Equipment Corporation (Australia) Pty Ltd (DEC).

The conference was held during the time of the first attempt to connect-up Australia’s healthcare system, which ultimately resulted in the creation of Health Communication Network Ltd (HCN).

During this time, while with DEC, Jeff and DEC also played a significant role in the four Trial Projects that were undertaken to provide input for the HCN Business Case. Jeff also led a number of significant consulting assignments that helped shape the thinking and approach in these early days.

This project is included to highlight the long-term involvement and commitment of Jeff in the development of a national approach to eHealth.

CIRCIT Paper - Jeff Parker.pdf (206.36 KB)

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